Benefits of Professional Snow Removal During Minneapolis Winters

Snow on a city street

If there’s one thing Minnesotans can all agree on, it’s that winters here are tough. In fact, Minnesota was voted as having the harshest winters in the country. We average between 36 to 70 inches of snowfall each year. All that powder’s got to go somewhere besides our roads, driveways, and parking lots. If just the thought of dealing with three feet of snow makes you cringe, fear not. Professional snow removal experts are available to help. Keep reading to discover the many benefits of hiring a snow removal service.

Safety First

Commercial snow removal means your business, school, medical office or residential complex stays safe for everyone. There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with slip and fall accidents. Your customers could be injured which costs you money, or your employees or students may require time off the job to recover. Did you know that 25% of ice-related slips and falls occur in parking lots? Why not skip the hassle and call in the experts?

Every Business Benefits

Here’s a list of just some of the businesses that frequently employ snow removal services in the Minneapolis area.

Large and Small Offices

Businesses need to make a good first impression on clients and that starts with a safe path to the door. If a customer slips and slides on their way in, they’ll be frustrated when they meet with you.

Medical Centers

Caring for patients starts with ensuring they have a safe, ice-free route to the door. This is especially true for the elderly, who are more prone to falls.

Property Managers

With dozens or even hundreds of tenants living in a small area, the potential for disaster increases. Hiring professional snow removal services reduces the likelihood of tenants suing landlords who didn’t properly plow snow.

Shopping Centers

Snow removal benefits customers on their way into the store. In addition, it ensures the safety of those already inside. Most shopping centers have glossy tiled floors. This looks beautiful and makes for a more luxurious experience. However, all those tiles become slippery when hundreds of shoppers with snow-covered boots track in the water. You’ve probably noticed stores setting up industrial blowers at the entrance or laying down extra floor mats. It’s not just to make less of a mess for the janitor – it’s to prevent slip and fall situations. Plowing snow and removing ice in the parking lot reduces the amount of moisture tracked indoors, and consequently, the chances for slip and fall accidents.


From elementary schools to community colleges, campuses need to keep students and faculty safe. Finding reliable snow plowing is a must for winter in the Twin Cities.

Ice Removal

Even after the lovely white flakes have been cleared, ice can reform and be even more dangerous than the snow. Your professional snow removers can discuss which road salt options are best for your situation. Different substances last better under different temperatures, and some are safer for pets than others.

Save Time and Money

Paying for professional snow removal is cheaper than dealing with a slip and fall lawsuit or other injuries. And you’ll save time by not having to clear the parking lots yourself. Plus, you’ll have added peace of mind. You’ll never again be frustrated by the thought of having to wake up early to shovel. You’ll never have to worry that someone will be injured because the snow wasn’t cleared. Even if you use a snowblower, you won’t be able to plow as quickly as professionals in a truck. Nor will you be able to move the same amount of snow. Commercial snow removal is simply faster and better. 

Less Wear and Tear on Your Body

Shoveling is not an easy task. Incorrect posture can hurt your back and cause severe joint pain. It may seem cost-effective to shovel your medical office parking lot or apartment complex yourself, but why risk injury and medical bills? Avoid unnecessary twisting and lifting and leave it to the experts.

Contact Showcase Lawncare Inc.

If you need commercial snow removal in the St. Paul area, give us a call or message us on our site for a free estimate. Our experts will assess exactly what your situation requires, from snow plowing to additional de-icing measures. We offer flexibility and competitive rates.


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