Lawn Care in Orono
Giving your lawn the proper care that it needs to thrive takes time, effort, and expertise. To help ensure that even the busiest homeowner can enjoy a beautiful yard, Showcase Lawn Care offers customized lawn care services. Our local experts will work with you to help you decide which services and which lawn care program will best benefit your individual lawn.
Common Problems Affecting Lawns in Orono, MN
- Thinning Grass and Bare Patches
- Lawn Diseases: Leaf Spot, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Red Thread, Necrotic Ring, and More
- Grub Infestations
- Lawn-Damaging Pests
- Seasonal Stress
- Malnutrition
- Excess Thatch
- Compacted Soil
Give your lawn the care it deserves with our customized lawn care services.

Weed Control in Orono
Weeds are a persistent problem for lawns all over the country. These hardy plants pop up in the spring and stick with us until the snow falls again in the winter. Here at Showcase Lawn Care, we’ve become familiar with weeds in and around the Orono area. Not only do we know which weeds are trying to invade, we also know what it takes to control them. With weed control services from Showcase Lawn Care, your Orono lawn is in good hands.
Common Weeds in Orono, MN
- Nutsedge
- Crabgrass
- Dandelion
- Black Medic
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Thistle
- Plantain
- Hairy Bittercress
- Chickweed
- Henbit
- Clover
Protect your Orono lawn from common weeds like dandelions and henbit with weed control and lawn care services from Showcase Lawn Care.
Lawn Disease Control in Orono
The best way to control lawn diseases in Orono, MN is with proper prevention techniques. Keeping the grass healthy with consistent fertilization while keeping stress-causing weeds and pests out ensures your lawn is strong enough to fight off any illness. However, if a disease like red thread or brown patch develops in your lawn, then it’s time to call Showcase Lawn Care. We’re familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the most common lawn diseases in and around Orono, MN. Keep your lawn healthy with services from Showcase Lawn Care.
Common Lawn Diseases in Orono, MN
- Red Thread
- Brown Patch
- Necrotic Ring
- Pink Snow Mold
- Gray Snow Mold
- Dollar Spot
- Leaf Spot
Keep your lawn healthy and protected from lawn diseases and fungal infections with lawn care services from Showcase Lawn Care.