Looking For Professional Lawn Care in Eagan?

Family owned and operated
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Family Owned and Operated

As a local lawn care services company, we understand the challenges that lawns in Minnesota face.

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To make sure you get the lawn you deserve, we offer free re-treatments between services as needed.

Lawn Care in Eagan

Keeping your lawn healthy requires patience, planning, and an effective lawn care strategy. Here at Showcase Lawn Care, we have all of the essential services needed to nourish and care for your lawn in Eagan, MN. From aeration and grub control to weed control and a year-round lawn care program, Showcase Lawn Care offers the best solutions for your Minnesota lawn.

Common Lawn Problems Affecting Lawns in Eagan, MN

  • Lawn-Damaging Pests
  • Thinning Grass and Bare Patches
  • Compacted Soil
  • Grub Infestations
  • Seasonal Stress
  • Excess Thatch

Keep your lawn healthy and beautiful with beneficial lawn care services from Showcase Lawn Care in Lakeville

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Main Office
9210 Wyoming Ave. N Suite 260
Brooklyn Park
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
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Lawn Disease Control in Eagan

Lawn diseases are another major threat to the health and beauty of our Minnesota lawns. These infections occur throughout the year, resulting in stress, damage, and even death. Protect your grass from nasty diseases and fungal infections with lawn care services from Showcase Lawn Care. By boosting the health of your Eagan lawn, we can help bolster the lawn’s immune system, making the lawn more resilient and less likely to become sick. Disease monitoring throughout the year means we can stay ahead of the problem and avoid any destructive illnesses.

Common Lawn Diseases in Eagan, MN

  • Gray Snow Mold
  • Pink Snow Mold
  • Necrotic Ring
  • Red Thread
  • Leaf Spot
  • Dollar Spot
  • Brown Patch

Protect your grass from common fungal infections and lawn diseases with comprehensive lawn care services from Showcase Lawn Care here in Eagan, MN.

Read Our Online Reviews
5 Star Review

Engaged Showcase for the first time this summer and they added us right away to the fertilizer/weed control services. They communicate when they're coming in advance. No issues. Will continue to use them and possibly add services next spring.

Gail Van Brunt
5 Star Review

The cost is not much more than doing it myself plus I get their knowledge and expertise. I've used them for quite a few years.

Tim Olson
5 Star Review

Absolutely love working for this company! Great environment and we as a team work very hard to stay as up to date on what the industry has to offer for best results for our customers! Showcase has taken the time over the years to train me and everyone here educating us on all we may need to know to help get customers the answers they need and to help get them the Showcase lawn they want!

Jessica Thomas
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